I was shocked to read late into the night on Hirshi Sagae's facebook that SFX Art Director Tetsuzo Osawa has passed away. The majority of his work was in the Art director and production designer end of the buisness. His first work (according to IMDb) was 1977's THE LAST DINOSAUR. Since then he has had a hand in the fallowing films:
-Messase from Space (Dir. Fukasaku)
-Makai Tensho (Dir. Fukasaku)
-Tokyo: The Last Megalopolis
-All Heisei Godzilla films
-Yamato Takeru
-Rebirth of Mothra trilogy
-Makai Tensho 2003 remake
A full resume can be found here:
One of the newer tokusatsu products which have been produced, "Ultraman Zero The Movie: Super Deciding Fight! The Belial Galactic Empire", will be counted as a post-humorous work. Be checking back to this page for more information in reguards to the great SFX contributor.
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