Ever since August, news on the Legendary Pictures’ Godzilla project has been surmounting - though it has often been discredited. Some rumors which have come up are things such as Michael Daugherty being the new director, New Zealand-based Weta Studios already getting word as being the place to do the project’s CGI, and even that official word on the project will be released before the end of the year. Most of these rumors have already been squashed. However, something which is interesting is that all of these rumors are around either who is directing or when the film is going to be released - no major rumor started on content?
In search for what may be coming for “Godzilla” content wise, I looked at Legendary Pictures’ repertoire. Five of the already fourteen films produced by Legendary have been based on a comic book of some format. And needless to say, it is these five films which have been the most successful for the company. This is including “Watchmen”, “300”, and “The Dark Knight”. In response to using comic book stories for films, it is possible that Legendary Pictures is going to go for a film adaptation of either the Marvel or Dark Horse comic book series, with the latter being a more likely choice?
Well, why not do Dark Horse’s Godzilla series? It is - based on what I have heard - a pretty good series which captures the darkness that the best Godzilla films capture. This is especially true since an adaptation of “The Return of Godzilla” (1984) (dubbed “Godzilla” and then re-released as “Terror of Godzilla“) was produced. Even Toho admired the work from Dark Horse, with one of the comic’s covers featuring blood dripping from an emerging Godzilla’s mouth appearing on a draft of “Godzilla vs. Destroyer” (1995). Not to mention that already Legendary has made a film on a Dark Horse property, “300”.
Another advantage would be that the people who worked on the Dark Horse series most probably live in America still. Bob Eggleton did some covers. Keith Aiken is near Legendary Pictures’ headquarters in California. Practically, if they needed information on the Dark Horse series, the resources are there. Confirmation would still need to come from Toho since I bet they are still weary from “wolves in sheep’s clothing” success of “Godzilla” (1998). Though I would not worry that much about that since Dark Horse’s series was generally accepted by the fans.
Bottom line, Legendary Picture’s most successful theatrical films are from comic books/graphic novels. While it has been said that it is most possibly going to be a re-boot (or any other terminology which has the “re” prefix present), I would not rule out this possibility. After all which I have presented, I think it is possible unless someone who has connections wants deny it (please do if so). Looks like we will never know until more information from officials come out.
NOTE: All information regarding the Legendary Pictures Godzilla project is just speculation and is not intended to be taken seriously. The image above is a fan poster for the project by Evan Brehany. It was originally the cover of the Dark Horse comic “Godzilla: Age of Monsters”. Artwork is of copyright of Bob Eggleton/Toho/Dark Horse.
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