Comfirmation: DAM at S.S.S.S.
News On Legendary Picture's Godzilla Project
I shall be getting more information soon on this information.
Interview with Frank Gillen
News on Blu-Ray Discs
Not only that, but the stats for the third wave's Heisei releases have been updated. It seems like all the Heisei releases are going to have the same "new" special feature: shows exactly where in Japan the kaiju go through. Something simular was done for the Cloverfield blu-ray...
Godzilla's Mellons (AKA Worst Article Title Ever)

Ultraman Belial - An Appreciation

The character has been host to a lot of merchandise. A theatre exclusive trading card was released. Two shirts were released in 3 sizes. An action figure is to be released this December. And a bunch of videos have popped up, showing the antagonist using electronics and how to have proper manners in the multiplex. So, let’s look, shall we?

TokusatsuReviewV3's New Episode
New Toho Blu-Rays
"Ghidorah, The Three Headed Monster"
Special Features:
-Theatre Notice (HD quality)- making of (8mm film) (SD quality)
- interview with actor Nakashima Haruo (Godzilla) (SD quality)
-"Monster Ghidorah" 8mm Film release + FLEXI (SD quality)
-"Space Monster Ghidorah" DVD Book (from original DVD) (HD quality)
-Tokusatsu Toho University Encyclopedia SF (SD quality) [NEWLY PRODUCED]
-Audio Commentary (Eiko Wakabayashi , interviewed by Toshiaki Sato)
"Mothra vs. Godzilla"
-Theater notice (HD quality)
-Godzilla vs. Mothra 1980 re-release cut (HD Blow-Up)
-"Godzilla attacks Tokyo" 8mm + FLEXI (SD quality)
-"Godzilla attacks Tokyo" DVD Book (HD quality)
-Career of Molding Godzilla (tentative HD quality) [NEWLY PRODUCED ]
-Tokusatsu Toho University Encyclopedia SF (SD quality) [NEWLY PRODUCED]
-Audio Commentary (Kenji Sahara interview by Kurashiki Yasuo)
"The Mysterians"
-Theatre notice (HD quality)
-Earth Defense's Soldiers Toho Champion Matsuri Festival Edition (HD quality) [FIRST TIME RELEASED! ]
-SF Encyclopedia Tokusatsu Toho University (SD quality) [NEWLY PRODUCED]
-Audio Commentary (Shinji Higuchi and Koichi Kawakita interviewed by Yasuo Kurashiki)
-Theatre notice (HD quality)
-1968 edit of Atragon (HD blow up) [FIRST TIME RELEASED ]
-Gotengo Encyclopedia (Tentative HD quality) [NEWLY PRODUCED]
-Tokusatsu Toho University Encyclopedia SF (SD quality) [NEWLY PRODUCED ]
-Audio Commentary (Okiharu Kajita and Takeshi Nuda)
"Godzilla vs. Megaguirus"
- Theater Notice (HD quality)
- Dispatch (HD Blow-Up)
-TV Spot (SD quality)
- Making (SD quality)
- Shibuya, Tokyo Bay Hen Location Guide Godzilla series (tentative HD quality) [Journal first! ]
- Audio Commentary (Director Masaaki Tezuka / special effects director Kenji Suzuki and Misato Tanaka)
- Audio Commentary (Composer Michiru Oshima and score producer Kitahara Kiyoko)
"...We wish you a merry Christmas so give us some Goji!"

The fallowing photos were taken on Dec. 1, 2007. As you can see, the fairly popular Kiryu-Goji exhibition suit which has fallowed from exhibit to theatrical event to promotional shows to a blu-ray stand to even a kiosk advertisement is here with Santa Claus giving joy to the little children of Japan and gives up tokusatsu otaku something to look at.

New Toy Photos

Heisei Film Festival Update
Interview with Kyle (Deadzilla; Jangozilla)
I have been meaning to do more fan interviews and stuff, and Kyle is the one person who I had in mind. Actually this interview was originally to be done back over summer break, but I kept putting it off (due to trying to get more news pumping through the site which I have successfully done now). But as I said, I have been meaning to do some stuff for Kyle, a great youtube member and kaiju fan. So, here is the interview. And remember, even though it is dead, let’s try to give your support to Kyle since at least I and accouple more youtube kaiju fans want to see his next fan film, "Godzilla 3". Now, here is the interview. NOTE: I AM GOING TO CONTACT BLOGGER ABOUT THE SPACING. IT NEEDS TO BE FIXED...
1. Would you say that you joined youtube when Godzilla fans on youtube were still few?
2. What was your original goal for your youtube channel?
After talking to my friends about it, Let's say that everyone was not too enthusiatic about it. Some are too busy with thier education to help out and some are moving away to pursue thier dreams. I thought about it and said, "We had a good run guys, I think it is time that we go our separate ways for now. Godzilla will come back one day when everyone's ready to come back to it, but not now, let's pursue our dreams and have fun." I guess you can say G3 is dead for now, but who knows? Maybe in 2-3 years we'll start talking about it with better equipment and software, right now I don't have the power to make the superior films that were done in highschool, and with this economy, I don't think I'll be able to get $600-$1000 to spend on equipment, $300-500 for food to feed the crew, and $100-250 for props. That doesn't mean I'm done with Godzilla, I'm considering on doing a mini-series that revolves around Gigan's retreat from Earth and Godzilla and his son and a possible filler film which should lead up to the events for G3. For now College has kept me from doing anything new and I must concentrate along with the greatest people who helped me with the Godzilla saga.
Heisei Film Festival News
You got to love them.
Gamera's Take Over Of Korea Coverage
Hong-Gi Hun's collection looks awesome.
New Variations of Godzilla Figures Being Released - Not Bandai Though

*Special thanks goes out to ZoneFighter73 for pointing out that these figures are new variations, not just new.
First Look: Godzilla Soundtrack Perfect Collection Box 6

What you see above is one the best chirashi I have seen in some time. On the reverse side it shows off the Koichi Kawakita Godzilla film festival and the advent of Godzilla on the blu-ray format. But it also shows something: we finally get a look at the cover of the much awaited "Godzilla Soundtrack Perfect Collection Box 6". If someone can read the Japanese on the chirashi, please post a comment regarding what is going to be the extra disc in the set (we already know it is film "Godzilla vs. Megaguirus to "Godzilla: Final Wars"). This is awesome!
Humax Theatre Exclusuives: A Closer Look
Japan's "Grissom Gang" to hold theatrical screening of "Godzilla: Tokyo SOS"
New Blu-Ray Stand Sighting
Advertisement like this can only mean one of two things: the Blu-Rays are going good or Toho needs the extra publicity. Or maybe the last two films of the Kiryu saga will be comming soon to blu-ray? (I say last two since they have already released some films which are in the Kiryu Saga continuity - Gojira, Mothra, and Rodan) Either way, this is the third Godzilla-related happening this month, along with the Kirin's advertisements for their new canned coffee, "Fire", and the celebration of Koichi Kawakita's new book and his 20th anniversary becoming the SFX director of the Heisei Godzilla series. And just for comparison, the one in Akihabara:
Koichi Kawakita's New Book: "Heisei Godzilla Chronicle"
Links From The Kiryu Saga

Godzilla/Kawakita Film Festival This Nov. In Japan

The second half of 2009 belongs to one person: Koichi Kawakita. And I am not surprised. He has his own SFX company, he was and probably is still one of the largest stock holders with Toho, and he is now becoming very active with Godzilla again, which hasn’t happened in such a way since he directed the siutmation footage in the CT-R Godzilla game. Currently, DeAgonstini is publishing a magazine which by this time next year will cover the entire Godzilla series plus some other Toho SFX films. Luckily, Koichi Kawakita is writing some of the text for these magazines, which is something awesome since he has been involved with Godzilla since 1962’s "King Kong vs. Godzilla".
11/14(Sat) - Talk with Koichi Kawakita and actor Koichi Ueda
11/16 (Mon) to 18 (Wednesday) "Godzilla VS King Ghidorah"
11/19 (Thu) to 21 (Sat.) "Godzilla VS Mothra"
11/22 (Sun) to 24 (Tue) "Godzilla VS Mechagodzilla"
11/25 (Wed) - 27 (Fri) "Godzilla VS Space Godzilla"
11/28 (Sat) - 30 (Mon) "Godzilla VS Destoroyah"
The Humax Theatre is located in Ginza, Tokyo, Japan. Ticket price to each day’s event will be around $13 (1,300 yen). Though not said yet, more activities are being planed for the 21st and 28th. More information can be found on the official web site whose link is below:
Godzilla's Latest Venture in Japan's Economy
Product placement and Godzilla go together like green eggs and ham. Most notably, Godzilla has been used to advertise drinks. He is known in the US to have helped the Dr. Pepper company make some dough in 1985 when the King of the Monsters was featured in accouple of commercials by the Dr. Pepper company and when the US version of "The Return of Godzilla", aptly titled "Godzilla 1985" had most of it’s American scenes having something Dr. Pepper-related in it - from a military smart ass drinking it to the Pentagon having a Dr. Pepper vending machine. But now Godzilla is entering a new age with a new company asking for his pop-culture status as help. Guess who?
It was a company shown in "Gamera: Giant Monster Midair Showdown" and "Gamera 2: Advent of Legion", with the latter being used to more extent. The company is also based on a Yokai-esque entity which was a focal point in the latest remake of "The Great Yokai War". Give up? It’s Japan’s own Kirin beer company. Evidently they have made a new coffee beverage called "fire". But Godzilla is not alone.
Also helping to add star value to the mostly viral advertisement campaign is a person who has been nick-named Godzilla since he came over for a little while to play for the Yankees (and I own the New York Times issue which calls him this; thanks to my grandfather in NY): Hideki Matsui. Many fans know that when he came over here, he was nicknamed "Godzilla" for his Japanese nationality and his skill. Hideki would also gain popularity when he makes a came in the 2002 film, "Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla". In something most probably more than coincidence, the Godzilla suit used for the campaign is in fact the Kiryu-Goji suit (variation unknown).
At the link below, you can easily navigate through the main Kirin beer website to find good of all sorts. There is a commercial, a making of the commercial, and a message from Hideki himself. Also of interest are some exclusive screen savers, which the picture at the top shows what it looks like on my laptop. Better save them onto your hard drive before they are gone!
Special Thanks Goes To James Ballard for notifying me that "Fire" is an energy drink...
Japanese Godzilla Websites
A Theory On The Legendary Pictures "Godzilla" Project

Ever since August, news on the Legendary Pictures’ Godzilla project has been surmounting - though it has often been discredited. Some rumors which have come up are things such as Michael Daugherty being the new director, New Zealand-based Weta Studios already getting word as being the place to do the project’s CGI, and even that official word on the project will be released before the end of the year. Most of these rumors have already been squashed. However, something which is interesting is that all of these rumors are around either who is directing or when the film is going to be released - no major rumor started on content?
In search for what may be coming for “Godzilla” content wise, I looked at Legendary Pictures’ repertoire. Five of the already fourteen films produced by Legendary have been based on a comic book of some format. And needless to say, it is these five films which have been the most successful for the company. This is including “Watchmen”, “300”, and “The Dark Knight”. In response to using comic book stories for films, it is possible that Legendary Pictures is going to go for a film adaptation of either the Marvel or Dark Horse comic book series, with the latter being a more likely choice?
Well, why not do Dark Horse’s Godzilla series? It is - based on what I have heard - a pretty good series which captures the darkness that the best Godzilla films capture. This is especially true since an adaptation of “The Return of Godzilla” (1984) (dubbed “Godzilla” and then re-released as “Terror of Godzilla“) was produced. Even Toho admired the work from Dark Horse, with one of the comic’s covers featuring blood dripping from an emerging Godzilla’s mouth appearing on a draft of “Godzilla vs. Destroyer” (1995). Not to mention that already Legendary has made a film on a Dark Horse property, “300”.
Another advantage would be that the people who worked on the Dark Horse series most probably live in America still. Bob Eggleton did some covers. Keith Aiken is near Legendary Pictures’ headquarters in California. Practically, if they needed information on the Dark Horse series, the resources are there. Confirmation would still need to come from Toho since I bet they are still weary from “wolves in sheep’s clothing” success of “Godzilla” (1998). Though I would not worry that much about that since Dark Horse’s series was generally accepted by the fans.
Bottom line, Legendary Picture’s most successful theatrical films are from comic books/graphic novels. While it has been said that it is most possibly going to be a re-boot (or any other terminology which has the “re” prefix present), I would not rule out this possibility. After all which I have presented, I think it is possible unless someone who has connections wants deny it (please do if so). Looks like we will never know until more information from officials come out.
NOTE: All information regarding the Legendary Pictures Godzilla project is just speculation and is not intended to be taken seriously. The image above is a fan poster for the project by Evan Brehany. It was originally the cover of the Dark Horse comic “Godzilla: Age of Monsters”. Artwork is of copyright of Bob Eggleton/Toho/Dark Horse.