Pics of the GPSCB6
"Godzilla And Friends Film Festival V" Next Month
In recent news, we have learned that August Ragone is teaming up with Patrick Macias and Tomohiro Machyama for "TokyoScope: The Wild And Crazy World Of Japanese Cult Films Vol. 3: WAR OF THE GIANT MONSTERS!" However, if some of you can’t make it, there is an event happening at the same time which some of you may enjoy taking part in: the "Godzilla And Friends Film Festival V". Taking Place at the Henderson Learning Resources Center at the Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas, the event is two days long (May 7th and 8th). Events include what KTKA.COM reports as, "film and trailer screenings, various commentaries, contests and giveaways in room 112 of Henderson Learning Resources Center." This includes a contest of who can do the best imitation of a kaiju (3pm on the 7th). As usual, guests Steve Ryfle and Ed Godziszewski is going to be in attendance. Here is the schedule line up:
May 7 (Friday)7 p.m.:
"Godzilla vs. Mecha-Godzilla II" (1993). A nemesis of Godzilla, Mecha-G was created as a counter attack weapon, but becomes berserk when he malfunctions. (not author's fault, just what was published in the initial report).
May 8 (Saturday)
10 a.m.: Overview of the Weird World of Japanese Super Heroes, by Steve Ryfle.
10:15 a.m. (approx.) "Godzilla vs. The Thing" (1964). Considered by many fans as the best Godzilla film made, featuring The Thing, which turns out to be another famous Japanese monster.
1 p.m.: "The H-Man" (1959). A creature of the Hydrogen Age conceals himself in an oozing slime and hides in the Tokyo sewers to catch and liquidate humans. The most bizarre Japanese monster of the 1950s.
3 p.m. (approx.) – Godzilla roar contest and drawing/coloring competition.
3:15 p.m. (approx.) – "Grade-A Visual Effects on a Grade-A Budget," by Glenn Erickson, DVD savant. Erickson was a special-effects technician for the production of the Spielberg film "1941."
4 p.m. (approx.) – "King Kong Escapes" (1968). Unites the production efforts of Toho Studios and the Rankin/Bass puppet animation organization. Introduced in this feature was the prototype for Mecha-Godzilla. One of the goofiest Japanese giant monster films ever.
7:30 p.m. - Special presentation on Japanese giant monster films, with behind-the-scenes photos, film footage and a surprise feature presentation by Steve Ryfle and Ed Godziszewski.
"Godzilla And Friends Film Festival V" has been funded by KTWU TV and Washburn university.
For an alternate report, visit here:
Special thanks goes to the heads up given to me by Avery Guerra.
Review: "God's Left Hand, Devil's Right Hand"
Shusuke Kaneko goes back to the horror genre of Nippon Eiga with his newest film to be released state-side "God’s Left Hand, Devil’s Right Hand". This film is a lot of things. First and foremost, it is a manga adaptation. It seems that since his success with the DEATH NOTE movie adaptations, Shusuke Kaneko is more adapt to direct films based on manga and anime rather tokusatsu. This is a trend that is still happening with him, considering his latest film "Pride" and his sequel to Ryuhei Kitamura’s "Azumi 2: Death or Love". The manga Shusuke is adapting this time around is Kazuo Umezu’s Kami no Hidarite, Akuma no Migite, a manga that has been called "ultra-violent". Surely, it is.
I give the film a 7.5/10. It’s not Shusuke’s best. But for a horror film, it is pretty good. Just be prepared, Kaneko brings us something very, very different from what we usually have had seen from him. Blood, guts, gore, and rolling heads. Not to mention my favorite scene: a girl being force-fed cake till she pukes and once she stops eating is decapitated. Blood, guts, puke, and cake. What more could you ask for in a film that isn’t HOSTEL or SAW?
Preface To G-FAN Article: "Gamera 3 – Ten Years Later"

LPG - Producers Roaster

(notice that he is also remaking the Kurosawa film, "Ikiru" and is involved with the DEATH NOTE project)
Review: Clash of the Titans
I just had the pleasure of seeing Legendary Picture’s newest cinematic offering, CLASH OF THE TITANS, a remake of the 1981 film that was Ray Harryhausen’s swan song (and with the saying that you are only as good as your last show, Harryhausen is up there with Baker and Tsuburaya). This film has caused a minor sensation. With fans of the original, they pretty much think of the film either as "ok" or just not really that good. To the general movie going audience, it is the second choice film to pick for the Easter Holidays. For Godzilla fans, it is the film which will make people think "Does Legendary Pictures really have what it takes to make the next American Godzilla film". Well, let’s see how it goes.
Oh, and I also got a picture with a NOES remake poster.
News On the GPCBS6
-G-Matt (KG Member)
Kaiju Triple Feature In Ohio
Showing Your Support For the Legendary Pictures Project
Well, since Godzilla isn't exactly the most requested character to make a movie on, we need to try to show our support in any way we can so we can make it apparent we want this. So, here is how you can do such that:
Join these groups:
Mail this Letter:
And Keep Posting in the forums! Even make some youtube videos if you want! This list will grow. Let's show our support people!
Interview With Kaiju Poet Kuroneko-Sama
By Donny Winter
Kaiju Galaxy since its creation has been a site based on promoting art and literature in the Kaiju Fandom. Over the course of the years it has compiled considerable amounts of fan fiction and fan art—and now it has opened its doors to the art of poetry.Poetry is often a form of expression that is either feared, or often misinterpreted by many people. Never before has it really been evident in the Kaiju Fandom, until now that is. In its simplest form, it is a piece of art in a picture of words.Kuroneko-Sama, an avid fan fiction writer and poet on Kaiju Galaxy recently had her poem “Dance of the Moonlight Megami”, a poem about the kaiju Mothra, reviewed and published on the school’s website. If you would like to read her poem you can find it on the Kaiju Galaxy website:
I briefly interviewed Kuroneko-sama regarding her publication, and here is what she had to say:
Donny – Could you describe what it was like writing this poem, and what inspired you to write it?
Kuroneko – Dance of the Moonlight Megami was actually just an idea that came to me one evening, and took form really, really fast. It was a lot of fun, and I loved writing it. Mothra’s a wonderful daikaiju to write about – she’s beautiful and very inspirational.
Donny – How does it feel to have a poem published? And did you have any initial doubts about said publication?
Kuroneko – It’s really exciting to see one of my poems published online. I did have some doubts initially, but seeing it being accepted and put out there for others to see was really worth it.
Donny – Are you planning on submitting any more poems to this literary paper?
Kuroneko – Most definitely.
Donny – When you initially wrote this poem, did you ever imagine that it would go beyond Kaiju Galaxy?
Kuroneko – I never really thought that it would go beyond the forums, but when the opportunity arose for students to submit imagery-driven poems, I couldn’t pass it up.
Donny – Any final comments?
Kuroneko – Thank you to everyone and enjoy the poetry.
Donny – Thank you and congratulations!